Thursday, October 3, 2019

Artificial intelligence will have a sub commission

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation proposed the creation of a subcommission on the development of artificial intelligence (AI). The Office expects to form this association as part of the Government Commission on Digital Development, the use of information technology to improve the quality of life and the conditions for doing business. The subcommission should help prepare the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until 2030.
The Ministry of Economic Development has developed a draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which involves the allocation of a subcommittee for the development of artificial intelligence as part of the Government Commission on Digital Development, the use of information technology to improve the quality of life and the business environment. The initiative was published on the portal of legal acts on Wednesday.

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The Office proposes to create a sub-commission in pursuance of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024" (in the decree, as one of the priority areas, there is a need to ensure the accelerated implementation of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere) and the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence until 2030 (at the moment, according to the explanatory note to the LA, the draft National Strategy is being worked out by interested government bodies and organizations). Recall that the President of Russia instructed the National Strategy on AI to be developed by July 1, however, the document prepared by Sberbank met with sharp criticism from the scientific community and other interested parties (see ComNews news dated July 9, 2019).
The Ministry of Economic Development plans to develop an appropriate provision in which the functions and tasks of the subcommission on the development of artificial intelligence will be spelled out. The implementation of the draft resolution will not require the allocation of additional budgetary funds from the federal budget, the explanatory note says. Yesterday, the Ministry of Economic Development did not provide ComNews explanations on its own initiative.
As the chairman of the board of directors of 3i Technologies Alexey Lyubimov argues, if you follow the logic that the subcommittee for the development of artificial intelligence is created in pursuance of the National Strategy for AI, then it should deal mainly with strategic issues. "So far, we don’t understand the mechanisms of interaction between this government structure and the market. It is not clear what ideas will dominate the subcommission. However, the very fact that such a structure appears is an important step in creating a consistent technological policy in the field of AI," he said.
Denis Lisin, General Director of Clover Group, a Russian developer of predictive services for industry, believes that the creation of a subcommission will accelerate both the development and understanding of artificial intelligence in general. “Thanks to the subcommission, experts will have a vision of this area and strengthened action in relation to its development,” he said. “In our opinion, the subcommission will expand the focus of this technology from retail and the banking sector to all types of industries. Today, developments in this area are used in oil and gas industry, in mechanical engineering, machine tool industry, mining industry, energy and other industries, but the number of measures supporting developers, as well as stimulating the development of Russian developers OK, now critically low. "
Denis Lisin expects that the subcommittee will include representatives of relevant ministries (the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development), as well as business representatives involved in this area, and probably experts who were part of the working groups for the development of draft roadmaps for developing end-to-end digital technologies (industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, big data). The Clover Group also plans to join the work of the subcommission to present an expert position. "At the moment, the subcommittee is just being created, so our participation is being discussed, no official invitations have been received," he said.

Yandex also plans to take part in the work of the subcommittee, the company’s press service told ComNews.
The author of the development of the National Strategy Strategy for AI - Sberbank yesterday did not respond to a request from ComNews. Representatives of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media (together with PJSC Gazprom Neft participated in the development of the National Strategy for AI) were not available for comment yesterday. The press service of Gazprom Neft refrained from commenting.
Recall that at the beginning of the week, the Russian government and the RDIF management company signed an agreement of intent (order dated September 3, 2019 No. 1964-r). The agreement is aimed at attracting mutually beneficial cooperation of production, scientific, educational and other organizations for the development of artificial intelligence in Russia. Together, the parties will take on the development of an AI roadmap.

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